Our History

The Bluebonnet community of teachers, parents and their children is colorful and diverse... 

Ever since we opened the doors of Bluebonnet Montessori in September of 2001, we have welcomed families from all over the world and from all continents. We feel so fortunate to have been blessed with the opportunity to welcome families from all continents but Antarctica! Bluebonnet continues to grow and expand as a strong close knit and culturally diverse community of unique people who share similar dreams, values and aspirations for the children's education and future. 

Bluebonnet Montessori School of Lakeway

When my husband George and I started designing Bluebonnet in the summer of 2000 ...

We had the vision of creating a beautiful school hidden among the live oak canopies, a home away from home, where the future "Citizens of the World" could grow and explore the world freely and joyfully. The color of their skin would be no more important than the color of their eyes, and they would be nurtured and inspired to love and respect one another and together take care of the most beautiful planet in the Universe: Earth!

Bluebonnet Montessori School of Lakeway

"The child is both a hope and a promise for mankind." ~ Maria Montessori 

George, our children, David, Rachael, and I spent many days crawling under the Live oaks and Cedar trees looking for the perfect position of the buildings so that we would preserve as much of the beautiful natural hill country surroundings as possible. No live oaks were cut down in order to free space for the school's foundation. Bluebonnet was built from the ground up with so much Love, Purpose, and the Spirit of the Montessori Philosophy. Our own children, David and Rachael helped stake the foundation, hammer nails to build the structures of the walls and roof, carried rocks and stirred cement to create the gardens, and enjoyed organizing and setting all the educational materials in the classrooms before the first day of school. My father, Nikolay, built the child size furniture and many of the wooden Montessori materials the children still use today. It was truly a Labor of Love!

When we first purchased the three acres of Live oaks in 1993, George and I dreamed of building our home on this beautiful property for our own children. Instead, our dream grew much bigger and we created a huge home away from home for many, many children – our own "Casa de Bambini" -"Children's Home" as Maria Montessori called her first school.
As the parents of our community have told us, Bluebonnet Montessori has truly become a home-away-from-home, where their children discover they can think for themselves, and practice love, care and respect for their friends and family and their environment.  Most importantly, guided by caring teachers and supported by this incredible community of parents, they are empowered to trust themselves so they may discover and reach their full unique potential.

  • “Thank you, Ms. Shah, for encouraging and supporting Lauren's and Alex's journey of exploration. Your enthusiasm for learning is infectious. I asked Lauren what she liked best about school, and she said it was the things she didn't know yet. What a wonderful outlook on education you have instilled!”

    — Gratefully yours, Jennifer Meyer

  • “Our son is truly enjoying his experiences at Bluebonnet Montessori. Every day he gets up eager to go to school with a smile on his face, which lasts from the time he's in the car to school until we pick him up at the end of the day. Bluebonnet provides a nurturing environment where he feels safe and loved while given the educational tools to ensure a most rewarding, successful future.”

    — Lisa D'Andrade

  • “Dear Bluebonnet, Over the past six years my children have been fortunate enough to experience a love of learning, independence for life, and a commitment to care for their friends, the environment, and themselves. Thank you for opening up the world to Cade and Layne.”

    — Love, Brandi Young-Bruce